Privacy Policy

The aim of the present privacy policy (the ‘Policy’) is to formalise the Manoir de la Cour’s commitment to ensuring the privacy of users and their personal data when using the website (the ‘Website’), in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the 27 April 2016 (hereinafter the ‘GDPR’) and the Data Protection Act of the 6 January 1987, as amended.

1 – Definitions

‘Data’: personal data is any information about an identified or identifiable physical person. The GDPR defines an ‘identifiable physical person’ as ‘a physical person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, particularly by a username such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online username, or one or more specific elements relating to their physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity.’
‘Regulation’: the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the 27 April 2016 (‘GDPR’) and the Data Protection Act of the 6 January 1987, as amended by law 2018-493 of the 20 June 2018 and related decrees of application, as well as any text that complements the existing legislation (particularly any rulings and notices from the French Data Protection Authority).
‘Data controller’: The Manoir de la Cour, as data controller, collects and processes Users’ Data in accordance with current regulations, in keeping with the conditions described hereafter.
‘Services’: the services provided by the Manoir de la Cour relating to organisation, planning of outings or conferences.
‘Website’: the Manoir de la Cour website that can be accessed at the following address
‘User’: any physical person who accesses the Website.


2 – Accepting the Manoir de la Cour Privacy Policy

In browsing the Website, by signing up to the Website or by contacting the Manoir de la Cour, the User authorises the Manoir de la Cour to process their Data, in accordance with the Policy. If they refuse the terms and conditions of this Policy, they should not use the Website. The User guarantees and confirms by the present terms to have full legal capacity to consent to the Policy.


3 – For which purposes and on which legal basis is the User’s Data collected?

The Data requested from the User may be collected:
with the User’s consent:
to supply, maintain, improve and develop the Service and adapt it to the User’s needs and interests;
to communicate with the User;
for commercial reasons for the products and services offered by the Manoir de la Cour; to subscribe to and/or set up an agreement with the customer/User:
to use the Service and meet our contractual obligations in accordance with the general terms and conditions of use of the applicable service;
in the legitimate interests of the Manoir de la Cour:
for assessment or statistical purposes;
to meet any legal or regulatory obligations that the Manoir de la Cour is tied to:
for the management of any litigation;
for the management of security incidents;
to combat fraud;
to comply with any request from a supervisory authority, legal, penal or competition authority.
In the event that the User’s Data is used for a purpose other than those described, the Manoir de la Cour shall inform the User and ask for their permission if the processing in question requires their consent.
The User is encouraged to check the present Privacy Policy on the Website on a regular basis, and check for any updates.


4 – In what cases is User Data collected and which Data is collected?

The Manoir de la Cour may collect, process and store User Data, particularly when the User:
browses the Website;
would like to receive the Manoir de la Cour newsletter with all the latest news;
contact the Manoir de la Cour directly by email, telephone or post;
give feedback on the Website.

4.1 – Browsing the website

Connection data – When the User connects to the Website, the Manoir de la Cour collects Data each time such as the IP address and MAC address of the computer used, the date and time of connection, the location of the connection and information about the browser used (Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.).
Browsing data – When the User connects to the Website, the Manoir de la Cour also collects Data about how the User accessed the Website, which pages were consulted and for how long. For these purposes, the Manoir de la Cour may need to use Cookies such as those described in article 6 of the present Policy.

4.2 – Receiving the Manoir de la Cour latest news

When the User fills in the contact form, they are asked whether they would like to receive the Manoir de la Cour newsletter. By default, the User will not receive this information, unless they tick the box. The User can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the newsletter email.

4.3 – The Website User wishes to contact the Manoir

When you contact the Manoir de la Cour using the Website contact form, the following data is required to be able to process your request:
First name
Email address
Telephone number
Your message (your request)
These fields with an asterisk must be filled in so that the Manoir de la Cour can get in contact with you. If this information is not provided, your request cannot be sent to the Manoir de la Cour.
You can also choose to enter the country of destination and the duration of your trip.
You will have to tick the box ‘I have read and accept the Manoir de la Cour general terms and conditions of use and privacy policy’ If you do not tick this box, the contact form will not be sent to the Manoir de la Cour. There are two links to the Manoir de la Cour general terms and conditions of use and the privacy policy so you can read them if you so wish.
If you would like to contact the Manoir de la Cour directly by post, email or telephone, the Manoir de la Cour will collect your email, postal address or telephone number, as well as your first names and surname, and any other information that is needed in order to process your request.


5 – How is User Data protected?

Bearing in mind the state of knowledge, cost of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purpose of data processing, as well as the risks for the rights and freedoms of physical persons, the Manoir de la Cour has implemented technical and organisational, physical and logical measures to guarantee the availability, integrity and confidentiality of the information you provide via the Website, and therefore to protect the Data against any damages, loss, alteration, disclosure or unauthorised access.
However, there is no such thing as ‘zero’ risk and we cannot guarantee complete security for the User.


6 – When and why is User Data shared?

6.1 – Sharing User Data with third parties

Data will not be shared with third parties.

6.2 – Sharing User Data with authorised authorities

In cases expressly provided for by law, the Manoir de la Cour may be required to communicate Data in order to comply with an official request from a supervisory authority, legal, penal or competition authority.


6.3 – Absence of Data transfers outside the European Union

By default, the personal data collected by the Manoir de la Cour is stored in France at the Manoir de la Cour and their hosting company.


7 – For how long is User Data stored?

In accordance with current regulations, the Manoir de la Cour will store User Data for the necessary time period for the purpose for which the Manoir de la Cour collected the Data, and to meet any legal or regulatory obligations the Manoir de la Cour is bound by. Therefore, in keeping with the limitation period as defined by general law for civil and commercial data, the Manoir de la Cour will store the User’s contact details for 5 years after the contractual relationship ends, i.e. for 5 years after the User’s request has been finalised.


8 – How are cookies used?

8.1 – What is a cookie?

The French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) defines a cookie as ‘a packet of data, generally small in size and identified with a name, that can be sent to the browser by a website when the User accesses this website. The web browser will store the cookie for a certain period of time, and then send it to the web server each time the User reconnects.’ Cookies can be used to memorise a client username on a website, which is then used to track browsing for statistical or advertising purposes, etc.
There are two types of cookies: technical cookies and tracking cookies. Technical cookies are used to optimise Website browsing for a more pleasant User experience.
Tracking cookies are used to propose offers, contacts or personalised advertising. They are recommended in order to benefit from an optimal User experience on the Website.


8.2 – What is the purpose of the cookies used on the Website?

The cookies installed on the User’s terminal when they connect to the Website are required for:
adapting the presentation of the Website to the User’s display preferences on the terminal (display resolution, the operating system used, chosen browser, language, etc.);
analysing the volume of visits to and use of the Website (content and profiles visited, User experience), and statistics to improve the interest and usability of the Service offered by the Manoir de la Cour.
The User can choose to refuse some cookies. However, the User acknowledges that in refusing certain cookies, the User experience on the Website will be affected in that the suggested offers and contacts will not be personalised to meet their needs.
The data collected via cookies is stored for a maximum duration of 13 months, after which it is deleted.
The Website may also use third party software (plugins, widgets) in order to add features (official Facebook Like buttons, Facebook comments, X publications) or include integrated content from third party websites. This software or third party content may send requests to third party APIs via the browser to collect your information.
The Manoir de la Cour does not store data collected by third parties on its servers. The Manoir de la Cour cannot be held liable for data collected and processed by software or third party content from Facebook, X, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, etc. (non-exhaustive list).
To find out more about how data is collected by them and how they use it, the User is invited to consult the privacy policy for the websites in question.


8.3 – How can you control the cookies used?

The User can change the settings on their browser at any time, and choose whether cookies are stored on their terminal (computer or mobile) or not, systematically for all websites they are browsing or for a certain emitting party, and this can be a permanent or temporary decision.
Cookies are necessary in browsing the Website and to access certain features. The Manoir de la Cour shall not be held liable for any consequences of the User’s refusal of certain cookies, leading to deteriorated operation of the Website Service; particularly the inability to connect to the Website or Account or the absence of personalised offers or established contacts.


8.4 – How can the browser settings be changed?

The settings in each browser are different. In the help menu of each browser, the User will find information about how to change their preferences in terms of cookies. Here, the User will find information about the main browsers. This information is provided for information purposes only, and is in no way contractual. The User recognises that they will need to check the cookies settings procedure for the browser they are using in the software ‘help’ menu.
Internet Explorer
Click ‘Tools’ and then ‘Internet options’.
In the ‘General’ tab, go to ‘Browsing history’, and then click ‘Settings’.
Click ‘Display files’.
Click ‘Tools’ and then ‘Options’.
A window will open, choose ‘Privacy’ and then click’ Display cookies’.
Click ‘Edit’ and then ‘Preferences’.
Click ‘Security’.
Click ‘Display cookies’.
Google Chrome
Click on the ‘Tools’ icon.
Select ‘Options’.
Click ‘Advanced options’ and then go to the ‘Privacy’ section.
Click ‘Display cookies’.
For more information about cookies, the User can go to the website for the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL):


9 – What are the User’s rights in terms of Personal Data?

In accordance with the terms and limitations provided for by Data Protection Regulations, and after having justified their identity (by sending a copy of their proof of identification), the User has the following rights over their Data:
The right to access their Data: the User has the right to request to access their Data;
The right to rectify their Data: the User can request their Data is corrected or updated so that it is always accurate;
The right to remove their Data: the User can request their Data is removed if it is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected or processed by the Manoir de la Cour;
The right to decide what happens to their Data upon their death: the User can send instructions to the Manoir de la Cour about what to do with their Data upon their death (removal of Data that has been stored, transfer of Data and account access to another person, spouse, etc.);
The right to request processing limitations, the right to oppose data processing, the right to withdraw their consent: in the case that the data processing is based on one single consent, the User can request the processing of their Data is limited, oppose the processing of their Data or withdraw consent, in accordance with the scenarios covered by current Regulations;
The right to portability: the User can request portability of the Data they provided to the Manoir de la Cour, so that it is transferred to a third party with their consent or transferred to them directly. The Data will be communicated in an open format that is non-proprietary, is legible and reusable.
The User can contact the Manoir de la Cour to request to exercise their rights, along with a copy of their proof of identification, either:
by way of registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the Manoir de la Cour head office;
by email to, with acknowledgement of receipt, with the object of the email ‘MY DATA’.
The User can also choose to unsubscribe from the Manoir de la Cour newsletter at any time by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of each email.


10 – What are the User’s obligations in terms of their Personal Data?

Each User should check that the Data they provide the Manoir de la Cour is true, accurate and complete.
In accordance with article 9 of the General Terms and Conditions of Use, the User should also verify the confidentiality of their Data.


11 – Is this Policy likely to be modified?

The Manoir de la Cour reserves the right to modify the present Policy at any moment. In the event of modification, the Manoir de la Cour will publish the new, updated version on the Website.
It is up to the User to consult the present Policy on a regular basis. If the User consults the Website after any modifications have been made, this implies they accept the modifications. If the User does not accept some substantial modifications made to the Policy, they should stop using the Website.
The Manoir de la Cour invites the User to check the latest, updated version on a regular basis, which is available to all and always accessible on the pages of the Website by clicking ‘Privacy Policy’ at the bottom of the webpage.


12 – How can I contact the Manoir de la Cour?

The User can contact the Manoir de la Cour with any questions or to exercise their rights:
by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the following postal address: Le Manoir de la Cour – MY DATA –  6 rue du Temple,
72430, Asnières-sur-Vègre – France
by email with acknowledgement of receipt at the following address:


13 – Right to issue a claim with competent supervisory authority

In accordance with current regulations, the User has the right to issue a claim with the competent supervisory authority if they do not receive a response from the Manoir de la Cour. The list and contact details of competent supervisory authorities for each Member State of the European Union is available on the following website: